
In the aftermath of the King's suspicious demise, the once-unified kingdom has spiraled into a vicious power struggle for the throne. The resulting chaos and political turmoil have been turbulent, yet they've presented unprecedented opportunities for ambitious nobles, such as yourself. Seizing this chance, you pledge fealty to one of the several contenders vying for the crown, swiftly securing an enfeoffment to a modest province in the borderlands. Your journey commences, accompanied by a single directive: to unite the three estates under the banner of your new liege, the self-proclaimed 'rightful' heir.

Upon arrival at your new fiefdom, the stark reality of your gambit becomes evident: your feudal obligations will be significantly more demanding than anticipated. The estates have crumbled into disarray, with only a scant few acknowledging your authority. To compound matters, a rival vassal emerges, unexpectedly granted the same fief and tasked with a parallel mandate by an audacious 'imposter.'


Peasantry Tiles
Clergy Tiles
Nobility Tiles
Grain Tiles
Village Tiles
Church Tiles
Castle Tiles


Game Play

Players take alternating turns after setting up the board. On their turn, they select tiles from the supply and place them in either their reserve or on the board. Placing a tile on the board triggers its distinct abilities, offering strategic advantages to the owner.

Player's Turn

Each turn comprises four phases: Reserve Phase, Refill Phase, Action Phase, and Feeding Phase.

Game End

The game concludes when either player has no legal actions available. At the end, each player earns 1 point for each tile flipped to their respective color.



A tile currently showing your color.


A tile currently showing your opponent’s color.


A designated space which extends the grid established at setup where a may be played.

Next To

The 4 slots that share an edge with a target slot (orthogonally adjacent but not diagonally).


The 8 slots around a target slot (both orthogonally and diagonally adjacent)


Refers to Peasantry, Clergy, and Nobility tiles.


Refers to Village, Church, and Castle tiles.

Set Up

1. Board:

Position 12 tiles in the center of the play area as shown. Throughout the game players will add, move, flip, replace, and score tiles from this central area. It will be referred to as the “board”. Once the initial “board” setup is complete, all remaining tiles are put into the bag.

2. Supply:

Create the “supply” by arranging a row of tiles beside the “board” as follows. Draw random tiles one at a time from the bag placing them in a row from left to right. Continue adding tiles until there are both at least 5 tiles in total AND at least 2 “Estate” tiles incuded in the row.

3. Reserve:

Draw a random tile from the bag, then locate a matching tile in the bag. Each player takes one of these tiles and places it in front of themselves, forming their “reserve.”

Game Play

Starting with White, players alternate taking turns until the game is over. Each turn consists of the following 4 phases. Note: on white's first turn, the first two phases will have no effect.

Turn Phases

Reserve Phase:

A player can reserve supply tiles that have been 'passed'. A supply tile is considered 'passed' if it is positioned to the left of where their opponent selected a tile during their last 'action phase'. If their opponent selected the leftmost tile, no tiles are considered 'passed,' and therefore, no tiles can be reserved.

Refill Phase:

Consolidate all unplayed tiles in the 'supply' by shifting them towards the left. Any tiles previously considered as 'passed' are no longer deemed as such. If there are tiles remaining in the bag, draw them individually and add them to the rightmost end of the 'supply' until there are at least 5 tiles total and at least 2 'Estate' tiles present in the row (or until the bag is empty).

Action Phase:

A player must choose and play exactly one tile from the 'supply'. Any tile in the 'supply' is available for selection. The player may choose to reserve their selected supply tile instead of playing it on the board. Moreover, the player can decide to play any number of tiles from their 'reserve' in addition to the chosen supply tile. Both the supply tile and any reserve tiles can be played in any desired order.

Feeding Phase:

Flip any friendly tile that does not have an unimpeded path to a friendly grain tile. An unimpeded path is made by exclusively traversing friendly tiles in orthogonal directions, avoiding enemy tiles, empty slots, or diagonal movement.



Tiles stored in a player's ‘reserve’ are placed in front of them visible to their opponent, separated from both the ‘supply’ and the ‘board’.


Each player can store up to a maximum of 3 tiles in their 'reserve' at any given time. A player is not permitted to take any action that would result in having more than 3 tiles in their ‘reserve’.

Replay Restriction:

If a tile is added to a player's 'reserve' in their 'Action Phase,' it cannot be re-played during that same 'Action Phase.' However, it remains available for play in any future 'Action Phase.' Note: Tiles added during the 'Reserve Phase' are not bound by this restriction.


Any tiles remaining in a player's 'reserve' at the end of the game are not scored.

Playing Tiles

There are 2 possible ways to play a tile. Prior to playing a tile a player always flips the tile to their color.

Play it to the board:

When playing a tile, the tile is situated “next to” an existing tile on the 'board'. All tiles must fit into a grid-like structure, extending the established grid from the game's setup. Respect all placement rules specific to that tile. Immediately after being placed, that tile's ability (and only that tile's) ability is resolved.

Replace another tile:

Peasantry and Building tiles have abilities that allow them to “replace” tiles that are already part of the “board”. Follow the specific rules of the tile type concerning which tile can be replaced and where the displaced tile is relocated. Once the replacement is done, the abilities of the newly positioned tile are resolved.


Placement: Must be placed next to any friendly tile

Movement: May be moved after playing a grain tile or harvesting a grain tile


Movement Range: 1

Harvest: The peasant may “replace” any friendly grain tile on the board. The displaced grain tile is added to the player's "reserve" and then the player may use the grain’s "mobilize" action.

Rebuild: The peasant may “replace” a friendly building tile on the board that is surrounded by 8 friendly tiles. The displaced building tile is then played next to any friendly tile on the board. Upon placement, the ability the building is resolved.


Movement Range: 1

Convert: Flip all “surrounding” “enemy” estate tiles (peasants, clergy, and nobles).


Movement Range: 2

Capture: Flip all “surrounding” “enemy” grain tiles.


Placement: Must be placed next to 1 friendly peasant.


Mobilize: You may move a friendly estate tile from its current position to a target unoccupied slot within its movement range (orthogonally or diagonally). The target slot does not have to be next to a friendly tile, however, the resulting board must remain contiguous after the move. Peasantry tiles may move 1 tile away, but may not use “rebuild” or “harvest” abilities. Clergy tiles may move 1 tile away, “convert” is triggered after the move. Nobility tiles may move up to 2 tiles away and may “hop” over occupied tiles. Nobility’s “capture” is triggered after the move.


Placement: Must be placed next to 2 friendly peasants.

Replace: May replace a friendly estate tile of a corresponding type.


Acculturate: If this village is placed in the same column, row, or diagonal as an existing friendly village, all enemy tiles (of any type) that are located directly between this village and the other friendly village are flipped

Settle: May replace a Peasantry tile. The displaced tile is put back into the bag.


Indoctrinate: If you place this church in the same column, row, or diagonal as another friendly church, all enemy estate tiles that are also located in that same column, row, or diagonal are flipped

Benefice: May replace a clergy tile. The displaced tile is put back into the bag


Annex: If you place this castle in the same column, row, or diagonal as another castle church, all enemy grain tiles that are also located in that same column, row, or diagonal are flipped

Enfeoff: May replace a Nobility tile. The displaced tile is put back into the bag.

Game End:

The game ends immediately, if during either player's 'action phase', the player is unable to legally place a tile. The feeding phase is not resolved. Each player scores 1 point for each friendly tile on the baord. Any tiles remaining in the 'supply' or 'reserved' are not counted. Most points win. Black wins a tie.

Player Aid


1) Initial: Play any "passed" or "reserved" tiles
2) Refill: Refill supply
3) Final: Play one tile from supply
4) Feeding: Flip hungry friendly tiles
Estate Tiles: Placed next to any friendly tile

Harvest: Replace any friendly grain tile.

Rebuild: Replace a surrounded friendly building tile.

Movement Range: 1


Convert: Flip surronding enemey estate tiles.

Movement Range: 1


Capture: Flip surronding grain tiles.

Movement Range: 2

Land Tiles: Placed next to 1 friendly peasanty tiles

Mobilize: Move a friendly estate tile.

Building Tiles: Placed next to 2 friendly peasanty tiles

Acculturate: Flip all enemy tiles between villages

Hamlet: Can replace Peasanty tiles


Congregate: Flip enemy estate tiles in same row, column, or diagonal that has 2 churches.

Benefice: Can replace Clergy tile


Convert: Flip grain tiles in same row, column, or diagonal that has 2 castles.

Enfeoff: Can replace Nobility tiles

Stratic Games © 2023